In 2021, our group has contributed relevant studies on our 3 main research lines (traumatic brain injury -TBI-, hydrocephalus and congenital malformations of the cranio-vertebral junction -CVJ-). In TBI, our data supports the role of SUR1 as an important molecular player in the pathophysiology of contusions and brain edema. We also demonstrated spreading depolarizations in the acute phase of TBI and that they worse long-term outcome. We published 3 papers on hydrocephalus discussing the basic concepts in fluid mechanics necessary to choose the most adequate shunt for idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus. We also reported data on children with benign external hydrocephalus, showing that a substantial number of them had temporary or permanent psychomotor delays. In the congenital malformations of the CVJ, our main achievements were our contribution of the published international consensus recommendations for the management of Chiari type 1 malformations in adults and children.

Group Leader
Juan Sahuquillo Barris

Principal Investigator (PI)
Maria Antonia Poca, Miriam de Nadal, Fuat Arikan

Marcelino Báguena, Alex Ferré, Darío Gándara, Francisco Martínez-Ricarte, Dulce Moncho, Francisca Munar, Anna Rey, Marilyn Riveiro, María Sueiras

PhD Students
Lavinia Herea, Federica Maruccia, David Sánchez-Ortiz

Lab Technicians
Noelia Montoya

Nursing and Technical Staff
Lourdes Expósito, Joana Segura, Monica Tarradas








Poca MA, Gándara DF, Rosas K, Alcina A, López-Bermeo D, Sahuquillo J
Considerations in the use of gravitational valves in the management hydrocephalus. Some lessons learned with the dual-switch valve
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021;10(2):246
DOI: 10.3390/jcm10020246
IF: 4.241

Sahuquillo J, Rosas K, Calvo H, Alcina A, Gándara D, López-Bermeo D, Poca MA
How to Choose a Shunt for Patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Short Guide to Selecting the Best Shunt Assembly
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 Mar 15;10(6):1210
DOI: 10.3390/jcm10061210
IF: 4.241

Sueiras M, Thonon V, Santamarina E, Sánchez-Guerrero Á, Riveiro M, Poca MA, Quintana M, Gándara D, Sahuquillo J
Is Spreading Depolarization a Risk Factor for Late Epilepsy? A Prospective Study in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and Malignant Ischemic Stroke Undergoing Decompressive Craniectomy
Neurocritical care 2021 Jun;34(3):876-888
DOI: 10.1007/s12028-020-01107-x
IF: 2.720

Maruccia F, Gomáriz L, Rosas K, Durduran T, Paredes-Carmona F, Sahuquillo J, Poca MA
Neurodevelopmental profile in children with benign external hydrocephalus syndrome. A pilot cohort study
Child's nervous system 2021 Sep;37(9):2799-2806
DOI: 10.1007/s00381-021-05201-z
IF: 1.298

Sueiras M, Thonon V, Santamarina E, Sánchez-Guerrero Á, Poca MA, Quintana M, Riveiro M, Sahuquillo J
Cortical Spreading Depression Phenomena Are Frequent in Ischemic and Traumatic Penumbra: A Prospective Study in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury and Large Hemispheric Ischemic Stroke
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 2021 Jan 1;38(1):47-55
DOI: 10.1097/WNP.0000000000000648
IF: 1.434

(AECC-GCT/2017/SAHUQUILLO) Study of the molecular mechanisms involved in primary (glioblastoma) and secondary (metastasis) brain tumors to identify novel therapeutic targets and anti-cancer agents, biomarkers to select treatments and novel non-invasive methods for molecular diagnosis
Principal Investigator: Juan Sahuquillo
Agency: Asociación Española contra el Cancer
Funding: 130,000€
Period: 2017-2023

(PI20/00154) Incidence and clinical relevance of perioperative elevation of Troponin I and N- Terminal Pro- Brain natriuretic peptide in patients undergoing lung resection
Principal Investigator: De Nadal Clanchet, Miriam
Agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 119,185€
Period: 2021-2023

(PI18/00468) Impact of benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces on children’s psychomotor and neuropsychological development
Principal Investigator: Maria Antonia Poca
Agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 81,070€
Period: 2017-2021

(AC16/00038) NEURON9-FP-050: Paediatric Brain Monitoring with Information Technology (KidsBrainIT): Using Information Technology (IT) Innovations to Improve Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury Intensive Care Management, Outcome, and Patient Safety
Principal Investigator: Juan Sahuquillo
Agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 80,871.56€
Period: 2017-2021

(20172430-31) Anemia or Blood Transfusion: A Clinical Dilemma in patient with traumatic brain injury
Principal Investigator: Maria Antonia Poca
Agency: Fundació La Marató de TV3
Funding: 299,461.25€
Period: 2018-2021