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On December 13, 2021, one of the most awaited moments for the institution arrived, the symbolic ceremony laying the first stone of the new Vall d’Hebron research building. On such a special day we were joined by Gemma Geis, Counsellor for Research and Universities; Josep Maria Argimon, Counsellor for Health; Alba Vergés, First Vice President of the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia; Jordi Badia, member of BAAS Arquitectura; Àngel Font, corporate director of Research and Health at the “La Caixa” Foundation; as well as other authorities and fifty VHIR professionals that came to the site to follow the ceremony.

There was a very exciting moment when all the participants added a representative object to the time capsule: some coins, a newspaper cover, a vial of Covid-19 vaccine, documents of the constitution of the VHIR; And others with more personal contributions, such as the image of Rita Levi-Montalcini, a reference in the world of research.

“This new building is a collective project that will have an impact on future generations and will become a new cathedral for science, but that would not have been possible without the researchers who came before and those here now, nor without the commitment of Government and donors.  The project that is starting today should put us in pride of place when it comes to doing more, and better, research to help improve people’s health”, stated Dr.  Joan Comella during his speech. “The future of personalised medicine is now much closer with the new Vall d’Hebron research building”, he added.

A time capsule cylinder with the attendee’s objects was buried and will remain in the foundations of the building. An olive tree which is now about 25 years old (the same age as the VHIR) will be planted next to the building once construction is completed, which is expected to be in November 2023.

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VHIR Annual Report 2021